Monday, September 24, 2007

Sudanese Girl Lost In The Egyptian Border


  1. هذا جزء من معاناة اللاجئين السودانيين فى مصر
    يفضلون الهروب الى اسرائيل بدلا من الموت جوعا فى مصر

  2. Hello, I'm so sorry to hear of the injustice happening in your country. I hope that it is resolved someday. keep blogging. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. I feel so sorry also about what is happening in the Egyptian Border. I wish we can read sometihng else about this and have a traslator in your page so many people around the world will be able to read it and hope some day this things could become listening and solved.
    The film was very touchy and has a happy ending but how about people that have not received this help?
    Thanks for visiting my blog!!!

  4. Olá, my friend! You make very well in communicating this barbábire that the egipcias authorities are to commit. I also go to participate to this case for the whole world. Thank you

  5. dear aire
    thank u very much for visitng me

    The situation here is a scandal
    And I shall be writing and translate everything into English
    Thank you for your support and kindness, I know that the conscience of humanity is still alive.

  6. Friend David
    The situation in a very bad
    Thank you very much for this support, and the follow-up issue around the world, I appreciate that much
    I will send you information on the issue of Sudanese refugees in Egypt and I hope to continue our cooperation
    Thank you

  7. I remember that on the Israeli news. It's when Olmert's wife sent a letter to Mubarak's wife and convinced her to try and help find the little girl. It was a touching story, but I'm afraid there are a thousand more stories to tell, few of them with happy endings.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  8. thank you for reaching to the world..

    my grandma was born in sudan.. and so somehow i feel connected to the pain of the sudanese people..

    wishing you all peace and safety and happiness and health..

    your voice is important.. keep sending it out loud and clear so we can magnify your message..

  9. Hello Oehalim, Thank you for visiting me again. I would love to place your blog link on my blog list, so others can come and view your sight. Keep faith and you are all in my prayers.

  10. اخى فى العروبه وشقشق القطر
    لا عبور الى اسرائيل الا للجهاد فقط ومن يعبر الى اسرائيل فى غير هذه الحاله فهو خائن انا بكل قلبى وعقلى مع الاخوة السودانيين فى مصر واعلم ما يحدث لهم ولكنه ليس مبرر للهروب الى العدو
    تقبل تحياتى

    الموت لاسرائيل
    لا اعتراف ولا حوار مع العدو الصهيونى

  11. Always in any conflict, children are the ones that pay the prices.
    A really touching video!
    Sudanese Refugees problem is one of the problems that really need an urgent solution!

    Sorry, but it's obvious that This is an israeli Propaganda video, using the suffering of these people to Show the human side of the israeli peoplem but i really wonder, Did Mrs Olmert feel the same for the palestinians children & the lebanese chldren that they are killed almost on daily process by the israeli airforce or tanks?!
    I know some sudanese living here in Egypt myself & i talked to some of them myself, i understand some parts of the problem, but what i see here, is people using this problem in politics, that have nothing to do with the people that they are really suffering by this problem.

    I condemn & protested against the brutality of the egyptian police in the accident of "Mohandesseen" a year ago & Sorry, but at the same time, i condemn the brutality of the israeli force against the palestinian children that i see on the news everyday!

  12. I hope that my last comment won't be understood in a wrong way, but i have nothing against Israel or the israeli people. I believe that the only way to solve all te problem in the area is to live in Peace & let others live in Peace.

    I just wanted to comment about the hypocrite of the Israeli Politics, as they claim the do all this for a poor sudanese child & at the same time, i don't hear a word about the others children who were killed by the Israeli Force!

    Or Maybe Mrs Olmert doesn't know that there's people called Palestinians & Lebanese who were bombarded lately by the Israeli force!

    That's what i am talking about, The Hypochrity of the Politicians & The Media.


  13. Hi, it makes me so sad this happenings... everyone needs to know.

  14. Howdy, sorry to hear about the injustice happening in ur country.

    The world we now living can be consider a modern world.

    And yet there are many parts of the world still suffering.

    The day will come, when justice will prevail. In the mean time, must not let the world forget what is going on.

    U keep on doing what u r doing. Keep the faith and hope burning.

  15. Hello Oehalim, thanks for stopping by my blog. This is really horrible and I feel sorry for the situation there. Take care

  16. ضم حضورى لمعاناة السودانيين بمصر بعد مذبحة المهندسين وبعد مذابح الحدود المتوالية وكأن الحكومة المصرية صارت ذراع اسرائيل فى التنكيل بالأشقاء السودانيين


  17. hi

    thanks for your very very kind words on my blog..

    i meant a lot..

    i hope what people realise from this awesome post is that it is not about a country (israel - my country) being kind to refugees.. i am sure that is not the reason you posted this.. but it is about a lady caring enough to save a child..

    this is something anyone can do.. it has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with the power of a single person..

    may peace and good health be upon us all soon

  18. الاخ الفاضل

    حيث اننا بصدد تأسيس رابطة المدونين السودانيين ، فنرجو تكرمك بزيارة المدونة المخصصة لهذا الغرض و مشاركتك معنا في النقاش و للخروج بالبيان التأسيسي و إنتخاب اعضاء اللجنة

    ولكم الشكر

    رابط المدونة هو:

  19. Hello Osama, Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting on the potato recipe. I'm looking forword to your next posting. I've started a new blog. Your more than welcome to visit it when you feel like it. My first post to my new blog, will be on friday. All you have to do is, click my name here, to get to it. Take care.

  20. لا أعلم ماذا أقول زززحاولت مرارا وتكرار ان اجد كلمات لأوصف ما رأيت لم أستطيع ، ولكنك بالتأكيد تستطيع لماذا لا تخصص مدونة خاصة باللاجئين رغم تحفظي على دولة اسرائيل فأنت بهذه الطريقة تستجلب التعاطف لهذه الدولة وهو ما ارفضه انا شخصيا و على العموم اختلاف الرأي لا يفسد للود قضية اتمنى ان ادعم اخواننا اللاجئين وان استطيع المساعدة بما اقدر عليه وهذه يدي امدا للتعاون واحياء هذه الذكرى .
    وكان الله في عونك على تحمل عبء ثقيل مثل هذا ، وتأكد ان هذا العبء سوف يزيد من ايمانك بقضيتك لتعكسها للعالم اجمع

  21. thank you for the kind words you left on my blog - they arrived just in time :)
